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Diversion Posts

Some fun little diversions I've drummed up over the years

Ruby Rebus! Part Deux

07 Apr 2014

15 Ruby-based movie title Rebus puzzles. Can you guess them all?!

Name That Trend - Nose Dive Edition

07 Mar 2013

Fall, baby, fall

Ruby Rebus Answers

09 Nov 2012

These are the Ruby Rebus answers you're looking for.

Ruby Rebus

31 Oct 2012

20 Ruby-based movie title Rebus puzzles. Can you guess them all?!

You Might be a Unix Geek

14 Jul 2012

Jeff Foxworthy's PC is probably rolling in its grave.

Best Buy Considered Harmful

05 Mar 2012

In which I rant on the terrible user experience at a run-of-the-mill Best Buy retail store.

The Coldplay Effect

25 Jul 2011

In the context of music recommendation engines, The Coldplay Effect is an unfortunate phenomenon that arises when certain artists' music (like Coldplay's) ranks high for likeness across diverse genres.


16 Apr 2011

(pejorative) The misleading use of unrepresentative benchmark software results in marketing a computer system.