Ruby Rebus
31 Oct 2012
One of my favorite things on the Totally Rad Show is their RADRebus segment. In it, Alex, Dan, and Jeff try to guess movie titles from word/picture puzzles called rebuses.
For the uninitiated, I’ve embedded the first ever RADRebus episode right there ↓
I was watching TRS the other day and thought it’d be fun makes some rebuses with Ruby. So I did!
An Example Rebus
If you don’t want to watch the RADRebus video and you don’t know what a rebus is, an example may help out. Here is a movie rebus taken from Eric Harshbarger’s list of 100 Movie Rebus Puzzles.
The puzzle is this:
And the answer is Big Touble in Little China.
See how that works? Good.
The Challenge
I have created 20 Ruby-based rebuses representing movie titles. Some are pretty easy, but others I hope will pose a challenge.
See if you can figure out all 20 and post your answers in the comments!
Rebus #1
require "active_record"
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base; end
Person.where(sex: "M", age: 78).map(&:country).compact
# => []
Rebus #2
%w(stand sit walk run him her me you) & %w(put place stand lean them we me us)
Rebus #3
while true do, 2, 2, 6, 0, 0, "-05:00")
sleep 86_400
Rebus #4
inside = []
ones = %w(one one one one)
inside << ones.last
Rebus #5
begin { private; def ryan; end }.new.ryan
Rebus #6
def movie(episode)
case episode
when 4 then "Guinness"
when 5 then "Prowse"
when 6 then "Hamill"
Rebus #7
Rebus #8
require "singleton"
class Parent; end
class Child < Parent; include Singleton; end
ObjectSpace.each_object(::Class).find { |klass| klass < Parent }.instance
Rebus #9
class Murder
def self.inspect
[ methods,
].join(", ")
Rebus #10
[["Switch", "Dozer", "Mouse"],
["Tank", "Cypher", "Apoc"]]
Rebus #11
Rebus #12
"husband & wife".split(" & ")
Rebus #13
Rebus #14
lucy: "Ishii",
vivica: "Green",
daryl: "Driver",
michael: "Budd",
david: "Bill"
Rebus #15
require "timecop"
Timecop.freeze Date.parse("2012-12-21") do
Rebus #16
class Hash
alias :movie :fetch
Rebus #17
require "rspec"
Fowl.should_receive(:kill).with(2) { nil }
Rebus #18
Process.kill 9, 1988
Rebus #19
"11:59".gsub(":", ".").to_f.ceil
Rebus #20 { "pennies" }[5]
Bonus Challenge!
All of the movies in this list have a common bond. Can you figure out what it is?
(tip: if you can figure out the bonus question early on may will help you get the more difficult rebuses.)
The Answers
UPDATE: The answers post is now available
I will reveal the answers to all 20 rebuses and the bonus challenge in a follow-up post.
Be sure to grab the RSS, follow along on Twitter, or bookmark this page so you don’t miss the BIG reveal! ;)