Kill Snow Leopard's Blue Ring of Exposé
01 Sep 2009
Looks like [I’m not the only one][1] who hates Snow Leopard’s blue ring around selected windows in Exposé.
Thankfully, we don’t have to live with such monstrosities. Here’s a quick fix to free yourself from the blue haze. Fire up, then:
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/
sudo mv expose-window-selection-big.png expose-window-selection-big.ugly
sudo mv expose-window-selection-small.png expose-window-selection-small.ugly
sudo killall Dock
This will disable the blue rings altogether, but you may want to replace these two images with some custom ones that look a little cooler instead.
Let me know via the comments or on [Twitter][2] if you find some replacement images!
[My friend Doug][3] provided some [drop-in replacement images][4] that are a huge improvement. Just drop them into the directory after renaming the default images. So after step #3 above, do:
open .
This will open Finder in the current directory. Now drag the replacement images into this directory, provide your password, and kill the Dock.
sudo killall Dock
Voilà !
[1]: “” [2]: “” [3]: “” [4]: “/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/”